Technology Solutions

Cyber Threats

Understanding Cyber Threats: Types and Examples Apaxon Cybersecurity | Business Strategy | Cybersecurity Awareness | Technology Solutions In 2023, 32% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack, with phishing attempts being the most common. One notable incident was the SolarWinds breach, which compromised numerous government agencies and large corporations, highlighting the diverse and evolving nature […]

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Cybersecurity Threats

What is Cybersecurity? An Introduction Apaxon Cybersecurity | Business Strategy | Cybersecurity Awareness | Technology Solutions Every 39 seconds, a cyberattack occurs, underscoring the critical need for cybersecurity in our digital world. This article introduces the basics of cybersecurity, focusing on key definitions and concepts like information security, network security, and application security. You’ll also

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Managed Services

Managed Services vs. Traditional IT Support Apaxon Cybersecurity | Business Strategy | Cybersecurity Awareness | Technology Solutions Definition and Key Differences At Apaxon® IT Support, we help businesses choose between managed IT services and traditional IT support. Managed IT services involve outsourcing your IT needs to us, providing proactive, continuous management for a fixed monthly

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Outsourcing IT Services

Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services Apaxon Technology Solutions | Business Strategy | IT Outsourcing Outsourcing IT services has become a pivotal strategy for businesses aiming to enhance operational efficiency and gain a competitive edge. This approach involves delegating IT operations and support to external specialists, allowing companies to tap into advanced technological expertise without the

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Managed IT Services for SMB

Guide to Managed IT Services Apaxon Managed IT Services | Business Solutions | Technology Solutions Managed IT services offer businesses a streamlined solution to handle complex technology needs efficiently. As enterprises increasingly rely on sophisticated tech systems, the role of expert IT management has never been more critical. This guide will explore what managed IT

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